Moving Back Down...Our time in Alaska has been a once in a life time experience. We loved living by Mom and Dad and Erin and loved the beautiful Alaska scene. After lots of prayer and thought, we have decided to move to Idaho Falls. Its a long story but we feel truly blessed to have had the experience to live in Eagle River. We made wonderful friends and have many memories. We had originally planned to drive through Canada again like we did on the move up, but after some unexpected trouble with the trailor we decided to ship the trailor by barge and take the ferry. The ferry did not have an opening for two weeks, so we spent some time with Mom and Dad and then drove to Haines Alaska, where the ferry loaded. We spent 3 days and 4 nights on the ferry in a little cabin. It was a neat experience. The ferry had a little theater that played movies and we walked around the deck and played in the tiny cabin. We also had some stop overs in Juno, and Sitka. We got off and walked around the town and got ice cream.