Last weekend we went dipnetting on the Kenai. It was a crazy sight to see. Thousands of people standing in a line in the ocean with huge nets held out to catch salmon. When they catch one they bring it in and bonk it on the head with a wooden club. Then right there on the beach they gut and clean the fish. The bones and head are thrown on the beach and swarms of seagulls eat them. My Dad and my brother and sister, Scott, and Erin caught 47 in all. Joe and I can't dipnet untill we become an official Alaska resident, after one year. Joe was on the beach with a table cleaning and cutting fish. The kids and I just watched in awe. The boys even took part in clubbing the fish. It was spectacle watching all the people and all the fish caught.
Some people also caught flounder or small halibut while dipnetting. Sadly this little baby halibut was left on the beach. Bekah was fascinated with this little guy.